Last Friday, somewhere in the sections of Eastman Street and Miln Street of New Jersey, vehicles were blocked. Nope, there were no protest going on. In fact, it was contrary to that. An outdoor yoga session was conducted approximately for a hundred yoga practitioners. During this 1.5 hours from 6.30pm to 8pm, they were led to perform stretching and relaxation exercises.
It was quite a special day for Cranford as such an outdoor event was the first of its kind. The event managed to attract individuals from different walks of life, including men, women and even children. They were led by Gina Pachkowski, a yoga instructor and the owner of Alluem Yoga, and her other staffs. “I find yoga complements everything else that we do. So whether we are dancers, runners, swimmers or soccer players, yoga complements it. Yoga quiets the mind. It not only gives you physical strength and flexibility and endurance but it helps the body release stress and tension and all the negative stuff we carry in us,” stated Gina.
The word “yoga” is actually a general term that refers to a mental, physical and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India. The aim of practicing yoga is to achieve spiritual enlightenment and tranquility through meditation, stretching techniques and various postures. Yoga also revolves around proper breathing techniques. Although some might find the poses intimidating, the truth is that it can be practiced by anyone regardless of one’s fitness level.
As there are many different styles of yoga available, one would definitely be able to find a style that is suitable and in line with their level of fitness. It is important to remember that since each style differs from that of the other, you should never totally give up on yoga if you find that you do not like a certain style. Instead, you should try a different style and you might end up liking it. At the same time, always keep in mind that the main goal of yoga is to assist you in relaxing. For the full story of Cranford’s outdoor ‘Rock Yoga’, check it out here.
OMG Yoga offers various styles of yoga to Singaporeans. We specialise in private and personalised classes at the comfort of the client’s home. If you have a preferred style of yoga that you would like to try, but you are unable to find it on our website, do drop us an email to check if we do provide it.