(65) 8754 4589 admin@yogasingapore.net

Yoga Could Help Mental Disorders

Depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and sleep complaints are just a few mental disorders that some individuals suffer from and have to go through on a daily basis. Although there are prescriptions and medications available to reduce and prevent such conditions, they...

Yoga Rooms in Airports

Imagine having to wait in an airport for a couple of hours just for a connecting flight. Worse still, imagine that your flight has been delayed for an indefinite amount of time. When being stuck in such a helpless situation, one can’t help but feel stressed out...

Yoga For A Healthier Lifestyle

A majority of us aspire to be healthy individuals. Obviously, this requires effort and consistency in diets as well as workout plans. In fact, getting/staying healthy is one of the most common New Year’s resolution in any individual’s list. However,...

Yoga For Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is an extremely common condition for pregnant ladies, especially during the earlier stages when the hormonal balance of their bodies undergoes significant changes. The usual symptom is mild nausea, but there are also more severe cases such as the...

Hatha Yoga Boost Flexibility and Spirituality

Michelle Barnard has been an active individual since young. When she was merely three years of age, she was already engaged in ballet as she plied, tapped and waltzed her way through her childhood. At 22, she started teaching dance classes and that was when she...